How to Calculate the Area of a Semicircle

Calculating the area of a semicircle is a fundamental mathematical skill that can be applied in various fields, such as geometry, engineering, and design. A semicircle is half of a circle, so the process for calculating its area involves a few straightforward steps. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to calculate the area of a semicircle.

Understanding the Semicircle

A semicircle is defined as the shape formed when a circle is divided into two equal halves. Each half is called a semicircle. The formula for calculating the area of a full circle is:

Area of a Circle = πr²


π (Pi) is approximately 3.14159.

r is the radius of the circle.

Since a semicircle is half of a circle, to find the area of a semicircle, you simply take half of the area of a full circle.

Find the Radius

The first step in calculating the area of a semicircle is to determine the radius of the circle. The radius is the distance from the center of the circle to any point on its edge. If you know the diameter (the distance across the circle through its center), you can find the radius by dividing the diameter by 2:

r = Diameter / 2

Use the Semicircle Area Formula

Once you have the radius, you can use the formula to calculate the area of the semicircle. The formula for the area of a semicircle is:

Area of a Semicircle = (1/2) * πr²

This formula accounts for the fact that a semicircle is half of a circle.

Plug in the Values

Now, plug the radius into the formula to calculate the area. For example, if the radius of the circle is 4 units:

Area of the Semicircle = (1/2) * π * (4)²

Area of the Semicircle = (1/2) * π * 16

Area of the Semicircle = 8π ≈ 25.13 square units

Examples with Different Radius

Let's go through a few more examples to see how the area of a semicircle changes with different radius:

Calculating the area of a semicircle with 3 units of radius

Area of the Semicircle = (1/2) * π * (3)² = (1/2) * π * 9 = 4.5π ≈ 14.14 square units

Calculating the area of a semicircle with 5 units of radius

Area of the Semicircle = (1/2) * π * (5)² = (1/2) * π * 25 = 12.5π ≈ 39.27 square units

Use a Calculator for Precision

For more accuracy, especially with large or non-integer radii, using a calculator is recommended. Most calculators have a Pi (π) function that you can use to get a precise result.


Calculating the area of a semicircle is a simple process once you know the radius of the circle. By using the formula (1/2) * πr², you can easily find the area of any semicircle. This knowledge is not only useful in academic settings but also in practical applications such as engineering, design, and various real-life scenarios.

Area of semicircle calculator